Title: Calibration of the Liverpool Telescope RINGO3 polarimeter
Date of Publication: 01.05.2016
First Author:  
First Name: Agnieszka
Last Name: Słowikowska
Email: aga@astro.ia.uz.zgora.pl
Affiliation: Janusz Gil Institute of Astronomy, University of Zielona Góra, Poland
Affiliation Address: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski Budynek A-2 (pok. 9)

ul. Prof. Z. Szafrana 2, 65-516 Zielona Góra
Co-authors: Krzysztof Krzeszowski,
Michał Żejmo
Pablo Reig
Iain Steele
External Link: http://arxiv.org/abs/1602.02105
Keyword: standards
Keyword: polarization
Keyword: instrumentation: polarimeters
Keyword: techniques: polarimetric